Notes: Aside from my family, this curriculum has been in use since the second half of 2012. Some of the testimonials below have been shortened by me.

If you have a testimonial you would like to share, please send it to my gmail address, allinonehomeschool. (pictured below)



We use your curriculum over any other, not because it is free, but because it is more thorough, motivating, fun, and ADVANCED than any other big box curriculum we could buy.



I've had such great success teaching my kids to read using GC and EP! I am a teacher as well, and have taught probably 100 kids to read, and used many different curricula, but this, by far, is the simplest to use and most effective curricula I have come across.



We've homeschooled for twenty years and I'll tell you that this has to be the best I have ever come across.



I don't know if we would have made it without you. Everything was chaos before I discovered Easy Peasy and I honestly credit this site for helping us make it through. This is the best site I have come across for organized classes that teach our kids what they need to learn and grow. I will forever be thankful and in your debt.



The quality is exceptional !! My kiddos say that learn more through EP than private school!



Easy Peasy has been our primary source of instruction in our homeschooling for the last 7 years.  We've stayed with it for many reasons.  Its easy to use, no strings attached- just use it, usually low stress (we all have our days!), and great quality. I really appreciate how you break down the lessons to help the kids build a paper or project over a period of time so they feel like they can do it and not be overwhelmed.  Also I like how you offer different sources to cover a topic so they can hear the lesson again but in a different way or format to help make it stick better or give them better understanding.  I've actually learned a lot with them, so thank you.  When anyone asks me about homeschooling, its easy for me to point them to Easy Peasy as a reliable resource.



I just wanted to let you know my son's classes (your curriculum) was approved by the NCAA today! So thank you, thank you!!



Both my girls hated school before starting EP and now both love school and couldn't wait to start each day and I have you to thank for that.



It is fantastic! My son and I have never been closer and have so much fun doing it!



Is it enough? We have used Easy Peasy for the past 4 years and have supplemented only the Phys ED. We have now decided to dual enroll our son for the last two years of high school and today he took his Accuplacer test and aced it. The proctor told him that he had never seen scores so high and asked him where he went to school. So, yes, it is more than enough!!!



We're second year EP users, and like others have stated this is the only curriculum I can say my son has truly learned from as well as retains what he learns. We are starting our fifth year ( 7th grade) of homeschooling. We have used many different curriculums and have spent obscene amounts of money on them only to have our son not really learn much. With EP, he is engaged and excited to learn.



For those that are skeptical about what you have to offer, I come from a professional child development career to homeschooling and this is one of the better programs especially for children with learning disabilities like mine (ADD & ADHD).



It has brought such a change to our schooling. I don't have to drag my daughter along anymore. There is joy in it for all of us.



I am homeschooling a freshman, a 6th grader, kindergartner and preschooler. We absolutely are LOVING Easy Peasy! For those just starting, when I first saw this, I felt overwhelmed. I thought "it must be hard". Honestly, just get started and you will see how Easy Peasy it really is!!!!



You took my non-reading son and showed him that he could read. And the rest just fell into place after that.  I thank the Lord nightly for you and the work you put into this. You took a lot of my guilt and burdens of feeling inadequate about homeschooling away. You showed my son that he is not stupid like the school was making him feel daily. I don't know how many times I would hear the words "I'm just not smart enough for this mom" come out of his mouth. He never says that now. He is proud of the work he does now.  Thank you so much!



My family appreciates your curriculum so much. It has made our days so much less stressful and our children are enjoying learning again! Thank you again for this gift you have shared with us!



I just want to say that I use your curriculum and I love it!!! ​ I have never had this much fun doing lessons in my whole life. I have been home schooled my whole life, ever since I was three. We have used  ***  but I like your curriculum much better!!!!  Thanks for creating this!!!  It is truly amazing!!!!

Callie (student)


My state requires homeschoolers to test every 2 years in Reading, Language, and Math. [Before using EP] in reading they were 2 levels above their grade level, but in language & math, they were just below their grade levels. We have completed your courses & a few prep-tests and then taken the required state tests. The results? My 4th grader is now at an "8th" grade level in reading, and a "6.5" grade level in both language and math. And my 8th grader is now at a "12.9" grade level in both reading & language, and an "11th" grade in math. The courses were both challenging and efficient, and we appreciate the results. Thank you!



This is our second full year of EP, and I am watching a granddaughter who loathed school now eagerly look forward to every school day…and she has begged me to homeschool her right through high school.



My 2nd grader is learning to read when he couldn't before. It's exciting for the kids too. They all love it!



Thank you Lee for giving my son his confidence back in reading and my daughter her confidence in writing!! It's a new world during school time around here.



My 13 year old daughter who reads at a college level and who I just KNEW was a gifted student, was working half heartedly and below grade level on most things…pre-EP.  Since finding EP, the bar has been raised, she is challenged and excelling!  It's a thrill to review her notebooks, and she's worked ahead in several subjects.  She went from dragging and complaining about her schoolwork pre-EP, to being self-motivated and diligent almost overnight!



My children who were in public school dreaded going back this school year and begged me to not have them go back.  I didn't know what was out there for me to homeschool all of my children and didn't know how to get started.  I prayed and God led me straight to Easy Peasy website and the rest is history.  This has been a blessing for my family, because of Easy Peasy, I am now able to homeschool my 1st grader, 4th grader, 8th grader, 9th grader, and two 6th graders, they are learning so much and better than they were in public school and are extremely confident and happy. Easy Peasy has truly changed my family's life.



This is our first year homeschooling, level 4. We started testing this week and have LOVED the results EP has given us! My daughter always struggled in PS and pulling her was one of the best moves for her. I have been anxious all year to know if what we were doing was enough. I have asked that question and seen it asked over, and over. Now I can say, that yes, EP definitely is enough. I wondered if the test at the end of the year would show sufficient progress, especially since the School system has her labeled as LD but she is breezing right through it! So all you newbies out there…. Relax, breath, and know that it will be OK. You are doing the best thing for your child!



We have been doing EP since April of last year (including through the summer) and I just wanted to wax poetic for all of the new users out there. EP is awesome. I have a 5, 7, and 9 year old and they are all just cruising right along. It took us a good three months or so before we really got in the groove of things, but I'm so glad we never gave up. Our days are now mostly bicker and whine free, (a miracle in itself,) and my kids are learning things I'm not sure I even touched on in my days of public school. In fact, the gaps in my own education have become glaringly obvious as I am learning so much along with my kids.

It took a while for the "is it enough?" feeling to go away. I used to volunteer weekly in the public school classroom, and those kids were always so busy!! But that's all it was. They were kept busy instead of being enriched.
EP is enough. Given time and trial and error, you will see your kids relax into learning in a whole new way, and when they do, nearly every morning will be met with excitement and anticipation about what's to come.



I don't know what I would do with out you and your website. Every day has been like opening little fun packages for our family. We love this stress free and fun filled curriculum. My 1st grader is doing much better with reading because of the McGuffey reader. I have never been more happy about anything.



12 days into our new school year with Easy Peasy and we are ALL enjoying homeschooling more than we have in YEARS. We never had time for the extras or even free time before. We spent so much time bogged down in JUST the basics with very little to show for it. Now, we not only get to everything, but even in just two weeks I see joy and interest and the ever famed FREE time returning! We have tried all the "best" and most expensive curriculums… and it turns out the very best was right in front of us… and for the very best price of all!



We have always homeschooled, but when God led me to Easy Peasy almost two years ago, our homeschool became more joyful, more interactive and so much more about learning than just about memorizing for a test. I'm so thankful God gave this to me.



As a testimony I want to say that I homeschool an 18 year old with special needs, a 9 year old with adhd, an 8 year old with dyslexia and sensory processing disorders, a 6 year old with mild f.a.s a 5 year old and a 4 year old and this program has worked for each of them.



My son has a severe anxiety issue and epilepsy that has made school very hard for him. Your curriculum has made him eager to learn and actually excited for "school" time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving us a way to educate him without a constant panic attack.



I have never had a more joyful, easy, stress-free start to our school year! I knew there HAD to be a way to homeschool that wasn't complicated or cause so many tears of frustration. I actually looked forward to doing school all week instead of dreading it!



My first grade boy who had been terrified to read on his own after 4 months of phonics work (30 minutes a day) is now begging to try reading "Little House" books on his own (successfully, even) after 6 weeks reading the McGuffy Primer, one lesson a day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing this curriculum and giving me "permission" to only do a little bit a day.



For the first time in 5 years we are doing "school" & excited about it!! No fussing, arguing or whining! I see them understand & retain the lessons & ENJOY it!



I am a homeschool mama of four. I have been homeschooling for 7 years now. Every year around this time (March, April), I get itchy to start searching for the next great thing in curriculum. If it was made, I have probably tried it. I usually had about 12 different items from different curriculum every year. But not anymor e. Ever since discovering Easy Peasy about a year ago, I have been content in knowing that I don't need to search for anything else. Easy Peasy has it all. The best thing about this curriculum is how eclectic it is. The kids and I never get bored because the lessons are varied, yet cohesive. We love how God is a vital part of our schooling days. And I especially love what a great community I've found in the other homeschool moms also using this curriculum. My thanks to Lee and all the others who work so hard to keep this curriculum up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart – my search is over.



We have tried every form of education system it seems like.  Public, private, and then the mommy teach everything system.  I almost didn't make it as a homeschool mom.  I was drowning in curriculum and so stressed because I couldn't keep track of everything and stay current.  I felt like I was letting everyone down.  Now, thanks to much prayer and a random google search for "free christian homeschool curriculum" I found my peace and assurance that I can do this and it doesn't have to be as hard as I was making it.  I am a certified elementary school teacher, so that had my mind warped as far as what school should look like.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this, all of you!  My children have devoured this curriculum and have learned so much more than when I tried to cram it into them.  ðŸ™‚ and, they even want to learn even more as well!



I have a nine year old who has struggled with school from the beginning.  The only subject we have been able to successfully complete each year is Math but anything to do with Language Arts has been a struggle, and she is so far behind in her grammar, writing, and spelling.  We began Easy Peasy this week because I had been pulling my hair out trying to get her to do assignments "assigned by me."  I started Easy Peasy thinking just maybe she will complete the lessons because for once in her life it is someone else telling her what to do.  Aaaw!  So far, so good.  Tonight (yes we were schooling on a Saturday night!) she says, "Mom, I'm so glad I'm doing Easy Peasy.  It's so fun!"  Wow!  My daughter said school was fun, and this was after she had to write a short story.  She was so proud of her three sentence story.  She was reading it to everyone and when she ran out of people to tell, she started reading it to the pets.  This is the first story she has ever completed and completed it without tears.  Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.



My 9yo is absolutely thriving with your curriculum! He has never enjoyed learning. Now he does his work willingly and well, on his own. He prints his pages and seeks me out to narrate, etc. I am beside myself with joy! We are so glad to have found Easy Peasy! It is better than anything we have ever purchased, and I have a schoolroom LOADED with curriculum. THANK YOU!!!



We have five of our family using Easy Peasy, and it is amazing. For the past couple years, we have been switching between curriculums, doing school on-and-off, and the family hasn't really learned much. But then we found Easy Peasy, and have been doing it ever since. Our five year old can read, and even write some! Our thirteen year old has been skimming right through the Eighth Grade lessons with no problem and actually learning!
Thank GOD for Easy Peasy!



I was about to give up and looking into school options when I found out about Easy Peasy. You have kept us in homeschooling very simply put. I cannot thank you enough.



For the first time ever, my 13 year old son with Autism, looks forward to doing school. For the first time, he is moving from one subject to the next without a lot of prodding, For the first time, I am able to get him to do writing assignments without tears. For the first time, he is regularly finishing his assignments before noon. MOF, he is already done today, and it is only 10:30! I have four kids using Easy-Peasy and can't begin to tell you what a difference you have made in our home. Thank you so much. Now the only tears are mine because I am so happy.



I started using 4th grade with my 9yo son about a month ago. He is thriving! Thank you! We love it!



Thank you & thank you so much for this program. I have a 9 year old son that has really struggled  reading – he has dyslexia – we have tried so many things – he really is doing well with the way you do reading – thank you again from the bottom of my heart.



The first year I homeschooled she was in the second grade and I used a well known curriculum. It didn't go too well. Last year l found EP, and there has been a world of difference. She likes school now, I'm much less stressed, and we are actually having fun!



… when I started making attempts with my son, I was almost literally pulling my hair out in frustration, to the point of almost quitting.  Even other "easy lessons" that were only supposed to take like 20 minutes were taking 40 minutes to only get halfway done, as he never wanted to participate & always dreaded it. This was part of the school experience I was trying to avoid!  In the 30 days we've been doing Easy Peasy, I hear almost daily, "Mom! Don't forget to do school!" Oh I wish email could send emotion as well as I feel it! Thank you for helping me school my son, in a true, Christian, easy-peasy fashion, & helping me not go bald! Thank you, thank you, thank you, and my God bless you 100x for your blessing to others.



Just started using Easy Peasy with my son who is in fourth grade. Thank you so much for taking the time to organize such a wonderful curriculum guideline! He is more focused and breezing through the lessons. He wrote his first poem and it was awesome! I couldn't get him to write very much before and now he's more confident and enjoys it.



My girls and I are in LOVE with Easy Peasy!!!! We were struggling with organization and motivation, but since finding out and beginning to use Easy Peasy, we are doing amazing!! My girls are learning so much, and they are actually excited about doing their lessons. And we don't forget to include the things that we were missing out on (art, music, computer!) Thank you so much for making this available to everyone. It is definitely a blessing!!!!



It has been a life saver.



Every year I have tried something different with my children because we just can't find something that clicks. Well on Friday I started your plans with them and they actually can't stop. My son (13) was up early Saturday morning doing his work without even being told. My daughter (14) who has a learning disability is loving Mr. Noun and giggling all the way through. It is now Monday and they are already on Day 4. They are even liking the science (between you and me…yuck…hahaha)….I actually woke up for the first time today not stressed about school and enjoying my day with them. I love how everything is so organized. THANK YOU!!



(Here are two comments from our facebook group page by two certified teachers.)

I love the way she has done this and as a certified teacher it is awesome and definitely worth using 😉


I am a first year homeschooler this year. I am a certified teacher (elementary) and I STILL had no idea what i was getting into. I spent a ton of $$ on curriculum, some I never ended up using because it wasn't a good fit, it turned out. I highly recommend using EP your first year, because not only because it's free, but it's a great program.



I just have to tell you…I found out about your program yesterday and started it today with my three homeschooling kiddos and my toddler played along! I am still in shock and can't seem to wipe the smile off my face. We got more accomplished today than I EVER have in a school day before. I was feeling so overwhelmed yesterday and today each child finished school, I cleaned the house, did laundry, got a shower and even CURLED MY HAIR!!!! Can you believe it!!!!! My kids were engaged and challenged and btw LOVED every minute of it! This was a Godsend!!! Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!



I must say, when we started using your curriculum I was skeptical. I have always done unit studies. well once we started I found out how much it freed up for me and how much more independent my children were. thank you!!! it also gave my highschooler a lot more confidence. she now knows she can do it without mom sitting by her side. thank you thank you



I began using EP about this time last year. I became so frustrated with the online virtual academy we were using, that I just pulled all three of our kids out at once…with no plan in place! What a blessing to find EP…a round up of terrific links and printables, thoughtfully organized into a multi-level/grade, FREE (!!!) curriculum. So easy to use and adapt to our needs. We were ready to roll instantly, and I have sung its praises ever since! God bless you!!!



Teaching my youngest daughter to read using your EP books has been one of the highlights of my homeschool career so far. It was a hugely enjoyable and pleasant experience for both of us. She would come to me every day asking to "do her words". I have 4 older kids that I used different (very expensive) resources with – if I could do it again I would use EP for sure!



THANK YOU!!!  Your site has been a HUGE blessing to us.  We just started it last week but what a difference a week makes!  We homeschool our 3 boys 13, 10 and 4.  We just moved 3 weeks ago and everything's still a mess and everything and before we moved trying to get everything ready was making things really hard to make sure school was getting 'done'….Then I found your site and while we're still getting used to it, I can say I feel like a huge weight's been lifted from my shoulders!!  THANK YOU for doing the amazing job you did and all the incredibly hard work of putting this all together.  THANK YOU!!



I came across it during last school year & actually pinned it. But over the summer I decided to go another route & after about a month into the new school year it just wasn't working for my 7yo. I already had my 5yo using Easy Peasy to supplement her abc's. So I scrapped everything my 7yo was doing & struggling w/ & started w/ EP. IT SAVED US!! My 5 yo already loved it because she feels 'older' because she can click the links & go if I cant help her that second & my 7yo is doing sooooo much better & likes to do school! Right now my 11yo is doing virtual school but we've already talked about it & she's doing EP when her classes are done!



I was directed to your site two weeks ago. My 7 yr old son is terribly behind in reading. I told myself that if after Christmas if he was still struggling, I would pull him from school and home school him. Problem was, I had no idea where to start. So I joined a homeschooling community on yahoo for my city and one of the members directed me to this site. Well… let me assure you, that the work you have put into this site has changed the course of one young boy's life. He was floundering. He was being pushed from one year into the next and I had NO idea until this year how little he knows how to read. I went through your site and thought, OK I can do this! But my son was way behind year 2 so I started him Monday on year 1. He really could barely ready Jolly Robin lesson 1. I decided to follow year 1 (Also took my 5yr old daughter out and started her at getting ready 1) she is in Senior Kindergarten (I am Canadian) let him watch what she is watching, and also added extra reading from the reader for getting ready 2. 5 days.. 5 days is all I have done so far for my youngest boy. 5 days, and I was in tears when he finished his lesson today. IN tears. He read day 5 Jolly Robin reader and read MOST of it all on his own, and he didn't fight me at all for the entire day's lesson. AND he worked mostly on his own. The school wanted me to medicate him so he would sit still and listen… when the reality is he was frustrated because he couldn't read. If you have ever wondered why you have gone the extra mile for people you don't know (aka phonics etc.. you have mentioned you have done extra for us), please think of my son youngest son Avery (he is one of 5 brothers and a little sister) because I truly believe you just changed this boy's future by giving me the resources to teach my little boy how to read. Thank you. Thank you. For taking the fear out of home schooling for me and for providing me with the tools to help my son to read.



Is it enough? When I started home schooling my two children a year ago, neither of them could write anything.  My 9th grade daughter who is dyslexic could not write an essay or report of any kind.  She did not know any grammar, she could not stay on topic, I can go on forever.  It would break my heart when she handed me any written work and I would pick it to pieces (her public school teachers were giving her A's for her writing).  My son who has dyspraxia and struggles with getting his thoughts together in every situation, he talks in circles until he gets to his point.  When he left public school at the end of fourth grade he could not write a complete sentence, he never had two sentences together that were related to each other. His first public school would yell at him and call him lazy; his second public school ignored it.  Any type of writing caused him anxiety.   Neither of my kids believed in themselves, and they hated anything that had to do with school.

As my daughter is finishing up 9th grade and her first year of Home Schooling with Easy Peasy she had to write a report and to my great pleasure she had one, only one obvious grammar mistake, she stayed on topic and it makes sense!  My son is writing book at the end of level 5.  He wrote eight chapters without a fight, and he stayed on topic too!  They believe in themselves and they love school and Easy Peasy.  They get up every morning, now ready to do school; they never complain.  I love listening to my daughter laugh while doing Geometry lessons and my son telling me I have to see this many times in a day.   It is amazing to see how much my kids have changed in a year.

I was recently planning the new school year I gave them their options of continuing with Easy Peasy, finding a new program or returning to public school.  They both refused public school immediately and said that they would never go back and they both chose to stay with Easy Peasy.  They said that while they are being challenged by the course work they are also having fun.

Because of Easy Peasy my dreams have come true; my kids are happy and they are getting an education!



Thank you for creating this and constantly updating it for easier access. Our family has been using this website since my oldest was in Kindergarten–she's now in 6th grade! I now have four children going through the All-in-One homeschool curriculum that consists of flawless daily lessons that works perfect for us. My family is forever grateful.
