Say Yes in a Funny Way

Imagine you would not be able to use the word "Sí" in Spanish, are you entering in your panic area just thinking about it?

Sometimes we never pay attention about something so basic as say yes, in a different way can really make a difference in our learning journey as it show the variety of words we have in a determinate language.

But do not worry in ten way to say YES in Spanish you will learn something new and you can start implementing it as soon as you finish the blog.

10 ways to say yes in spanish

Ten ways to say yes in Spanish

Probably you are thinking about some words already, and we are not talking in this blog about the common use of vale and ok because ok it is pretty much international (good thing, you could always use it in case you are stuck) and vale, it is so common in the Spanish language that if you have been listening to some podcast, watching movies or even listening to Spanish people in a bar next to you, you would probably have heard it a lot, and it is nothing else than our ok, we say "vale",but WATCH OUT, today's without comes earlier than usual, we use vale when we agree, we can't use vale when someone ask us

"¿qué tal?"-"How are you?" Saying "vale" is wrong, or if we talk about something else as "mis vacaciones fueron vale"-"my holidays were ok",  in English is ok to say that, but in Spanish you should say "mis vacaciones fueron buenas"-"my holidays were good" same when we talk about the exercises we needed to do for Spanish homework, when I ask to my students ¿fue fácil la tarea?-Was the homework easy?" A lot of them reply "fue vale"-"it was ok" but we can't say in all the above examples because we are not agreeing, we are describing something, when we describe we use bien/bueno/malo/mal….(but we will cover that in another blog), does it make sense?

1-Claro (que sí)

You can use claro, literally meaning "Clear" of claro que si to make it more of a statement, when something is clear in Spanish is an affirmative way to say of course. something that it is understood correctly.

If your friend asks you if you could buy wine on your way to his you will say "claro, hay una tienda en el camino" "of course, it is a shop on the way"

2-No lo dudes

Do not hesitate, (I will do it, it will happen….) again it is just a variation of the one above, when you do not need to have a doubt something will happen.

3-Por supuesto

"Of course", it is quite common to make clear something is sure, and most of the times obvious

4-Sin duda

"Without a doubt", similar to number 2, nobody needs to have a doubt.


The literal translation is "hit it", and we use it to agree with someone if your friends ask you to open a bottle of wine you could agree by saying "dale"

how to say yes in spanish


"effectively", I know in English could sound a bit old fashion, but in Spanish is really used, most of the time when we agree.

If you have disscussion about politics and your friend say "todos los politicos son iguales""all the politicians are the same" you probably high five saying "efectivamente ,tienes toda la razón"

7-Trato hecho/Dalo por hecho

"done deal", if someone is asking you for a favour is common to say trato hecho, or even  a friend asking you to bring wine to his flat, you will say "dalo por hecho" as think about it as done.

8-De acuerdo

When you agree. Your friend is having a dinner and all your friends are cooking something if your friend asks you, Everyone is doing something, Ana is cooking the soup, Pedro the fish, would you mind cooking something for dessert? you would agree "de acuerdo" as it is not a problem.

9-No te puedo decir que no

"I can't say no to you" when someone is making you an offer you can refuse. Like if you were thinking about not going out this weekend, but your friends come with a plan, they are going to the cinema, and then to one of your friends that just moved into a new place, and all your friends are going to be there and it is so long since you guys were all together so you will agree "Pensaba quedarme en casa este fin de semana, pero a este plan no te puedo decir que no" "I wanted to stay in this weekend, but I can't say no to that plan"


"Perfect", when something sounds like a plan to you, as if your friend is talking about meeting you at the pub in the corner at 8 next Saturday and it suits you perfectly, it will be "perfecto"

an extra one 🙂

because as we say in Spanish "el saber no ocupa lugar"-"you can never learn too much"

-Cómo no, when something is so obvious you can't  deny, even when we have the no in the sentences, it is a positive one, so be careful with this one.In English it might be something as "How could not be?"

If someone ask you if you will go to the party during the weekend and you are a party animal your answer would probably be !Cómo no!


Be positive, and start using affirmative words, but forget about the usual "Si", try something new, practice the ones above.

I challenge you every time you need to say either yes or ok, do not use "si", even if it is just when you are writing as you have more time to think than when you speak, at the beginning it will be hard as you are so used to them but eventually it will come to you without thinking and you will feel as a champion as you will be mastering your Spanish.

Si¡No lo dudes!


The past challenge is still open, as the past tense blog series is not finished yet, but I thought I will give you a break of past tenses.

so keep writing your comment using Spanish past tense and have the chance to get "The Idioms Spanish book"


I hope you have learned something new and enjoy the blog  and I will see you soon 🙂

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